
Sofia district has recorded the lowest growth rate of GDP per capita, thus losing its second place in the ranking. Salaries and pensions remain relatively high. The development of the local labor market continues to be good. The good economic development in the district is accompanied by high investment activity. The density of its road network is high. The average level of the local taxes levied by the district’s municipalities is generally high. The transparency in the work of the local administrations remains poor. The share of own revenues in the total revenues of the district’s municipalities is the lowest in the country.

The rate of natural population growth in Sofia district remains below the national average. The district is among those with relatively low level of urbanization. The performance of its students is poor. Access to doctors – both GPs and specialist physicians in the district – is slightly below the national average. Delivery of justice is slow. The volume of generated household waste is among the country’s highest, while the share of that waste which has been handed over for treatment and recycling is among the lowest. Cultural life in Sofia district retains its low intensity. At the same time, its tourism is better developed than in most other districts.

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